The Stations of the Cross, or Via Dolorosa, is an incredibly meaningful walk for anyone who follows the teachings of Jesus. Many choose to trace this path with their church or organized tour group, getting much of the information during the tour. If you're like us though, and decide to follow in the footsteps of Jesus' last day on your own, we recommend doing extensive homework so that you can maximize your experience in the moment.
This page provides you the scripture passage(s), photos, and possible worship songs to listen to during each station of the cross. We found listening to worship music incredibly helpful as we focused our minds at each location amidst the crowds, traffic and other distractions that can be present. While many of these locations are churches established to protect the site, remember that Jerusalem is still a bustling city with many other happening besides this walk. Each station is marked with a round Roman numeral placard, but these are not always easy to see from the street. We hope that you find the below information helpful during your special time in this historic city. You can find the Via Dolorosa route map here. Also be sure to check out our blogs about the Sea of Galilee and the Old City of Jerusalem.
Station 1: Jesus is Condemned to Death
Mark 15:1-15, Matthew 27:11-26, Luke 22:66-23:25
Station 2: Jesus is Given the Cross
John 19:1-17, Matthew 27:31
Station 3: Jesus Falls the First Time
Not biblical - based on tradition. Scripture to read: John 1:29
Station 4: Jesus Meets His Mother
Not biblical - based on tradition. Scripture to read: John 19:25-27
Station 5: Simon of Cyrene Carries Jesus' Cross
Mark 15:21, Luke 23:26, Matthew 27:32
Station 6: Veronica Wipes the Face of Jesus
Not biblical - based on tradition.
Station 7: Jesus Falls the Second Time
Not biblical - based on tradition.
Station 8: Jesus Consoles the Women of Jerusalem
Luke 23: 27-31
Station 9: Jesus Falls the Third Time
Not biblical - based on tradition.
Station 10: Jesus is Stripped of His Garments
John 19:23-24, Matthew 27:31
Station 11: Jesus is Nailed to the Cross
Luke 23:33-43, John 19:1
Station 12: Jesus Dies on the Cross
John 19:28-37, Matthew 27:45-54, Luke 23:44
Station 13: Jesus is Taken Down From the Cross
John 19:38-40
Station 14: Jesus is Laid in the Tomb
Mark 15:46-47, Matthew 27:57-61
Other Helpful Websites:
For scripture passages and tour information:
A wide variety of information and self-guided tour:
The Last 24 Hours of Jesus' Life: Pastor Adam Hamilton: Video
Detailed Map from National Geographic: 1996 Jerusalem